The Primitives of Domain Driven Design (DDD)

3 min readDec 2, 2020

What you need to know to be able to talk about DDD..

Welcome to the club, if you are one of those persons who wanted to understand Domain driven design (hereafter referred as DDD) but got lost in the forest of information and literature available in this space.

I wanted to write this article to capture the primitives of DDD so that you understand what it means while applying or discussing DDD. With this preamble, here you go:

What is DDD?

To me, as a software developer, DDD provides

a methodology and set of tools to model software effectively

Doing DDD helps in

  • strategic design — identifying the areas of the software that creates the most business value.
  • tactical design — refining the software application model and design
  • effective design — standardizing process of modeling software, identifying concepts, rules and behavior.
Photo by Halacious on Unsplash


Bounded Context

This is a boundary representation of a set of components, concepts and models. Within this contextual boundary, the meaning of these concepts and models are rigid.

